Raven’s Jig – El Niño (Chorando Se Foi, Lambada, on-vocal)

Now this is a song everyone has probably heard once, whether you knew the title or not. In this spin of Kaoma’s hit Lambada, in which Onne tested his ability to arrange the exotic once again, we decided to switch the lyrics’ language to Spanish (purely for skills reasons), and we changed the lyrics to pay homage to a natural phenomenon that had piqued Onne’s interest at the time: El Niño, a band of warm water going through the Pacific in a cycle, and among other things, regulating fishing activities for the locals. El Niño meaning ‘the child’, we decided to represent this current as a metaphorical child bringing warm water and being welcomes with open arms by his people waiting for him.

Download Raven’s Jig – El Niño (Chorando Se Foi, Lambada, on-vocal)


El Niño ha llegado y desprende sus alas en el mar
Abrazando las cuestas con todo su amor y sin parar
Cambia el viento y el destino igual de los pecadores que pescan
Lejos de la lluvia sentimental se marchan, se marchan, se marchan
El Niño tiene una fe y una fidelidad sin falla
Y pacíficamente siempre llega con puntualidad
Abre sus brazos tan llenos de amor hasta aquellos barcos vacíos
“Ahora por mi mano llegara el calor ; descansad, pobres tíos míos”

Cuando se va, es la tierra entera que con cariño le dice adiós
Cuidate bien, niño de trinidad, pronto regresa por nosotros

Girando agilmente
Bailando en tu mente
Para que siempre te recuerdes
Otra vez regresara
Otra vez saludara
Con signos para que no olvides

Toma mi mano y vamonos
Tomemos las redes de pescar
Echemoslas en el agua del Ecuador
Hasta que se rellenen
De peces con colas de oro y plata
Pescado, pescado en los brazos
Regresamos a casa
Con la sonrisa de maravilla
Que tiene la gente feliz
Los benditos de la planeta
Que gira y gira y gira

El Niño ha regresado conduciendo un banco de peces
Guiandoles hasta el paraíso de todos los seres
Cambia el tiempo y el destino igual de los pescadores que pecan
Que se unen en el ardor tropical y bailan, y bailan, y bailan
Baila, muchacho, muchacho mío, no te pares


English translation of lyrics:

El Niño has come and spreads his wings upon the sea
Holding the coasts with all his love and without stopping
He changes the wind and perhaps the destiny of the fishing sinners
Away from the sentimental rain, so they leave, so they leave, so they leave
El Niño has flawless faith and faithfulness
And pacifically, he always arrives punctually
He opens his arms so full of love up to those empty boats
“Now from my hand, the heat shall come ; get some rest, poor uncles of mine”

When he leaves, it’s the whole wide world who tells him goodbye with tenderness
Take care, child of trinity, and come back for us soon

Spinning agilely
Dancing in your mind
So you’ll always remember
He’ll return again
He’ll greet again
With signs so you don’t forget

(Take my hand and let’s go
Let’s take our fishing nets
Let’s throw them in the water of the Equator
Until they’re full
Of fish with tails made of gold and silver
Fish, fish in our arms
Back home we go
With that marvelous smile
Of happy people
Of the blessed on this planet
Which turns and turns and turns)

El Niño has come back, leading a school of fish
Guiding them to the paradise of all beings
He changes the weather and perhaps the destiny of the sinning fishermen
Who unite in the tropical ardor and dance, and dance, and dance
Dance, child, my child, never stop

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